Inspections are the first and most important step for your chimneys safety and longevity. Followed by an appropriate sweeping schedule. Every 2-4 chords of dry wood burned is typically ideal for most wood burning appliances. 2-3 tons of pellets burned is typically ideal for pellet stoves.
From new builds to small repairs, estimates are always free rates are fair and we water seal everything upon completion.
Whether your installing a new appliance or correcting a faulty clay liner or flue, we offer lifetime warranty stainless steel liners for any wood, pellet, or oil burning appliances.
If you have a pre-fabricated fireplace, chances are you have a chase. if you have a chase chances are you have a galvanized metal chase cover. At peak chimney we know in new england that will not hold up. That's why we only offer lifetime warranty stainless steel caps and chase covers. custom made to fit your needs.
Aside from your inspections and sweeps there are a few other things you can do to pro=long the life of your masonry chimney. We offer a variety of sealants and coatings provided by chimsavers product, the absolute leader in moisture resistance products for all your masonry chimney needs.